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Frequently Asked Questions

Maybe you have a few questions. That’s okay; most people do. So here’s a quick collection of some of the questions people ask us… along with our answers. If you still have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us (or give us a call) and we’ll be happy to answer it for you.

Q:  How much does it cost to move a mobile home?
A:  Great question. Every mobile home situation is different which means each quote to move a mobile home will be different. For example, if you want to transport your mobile home two miles down the road, it will be a lot cheaper than if you want to transport it 50 miles up the highway.

Most mobile home movers will also consider what trees, brush, and debris they need to clear when giving an estimate. If it is a straight shot to the road, it will be cheaper than if they have to cut down a few trees to get the home to the road.

Traditionally, the closer to the beaches you are, the more expensive your mobile home move is going to be.

With all this being said here are some numbers:

Mobile home moving service for singlewide mobile home within 1 hour radius of current location: $4,000-$7,500

Mobile home moving service for doublewide mobile home within 1 hour radius of current location: $8,500-$14,500

Q:  Do mobile home movers accept payments for their mobile home moving service?
A:  The short answer is no. The mobile home moving business is fast paced and most mobile home movers do not have the time to track every move that they’ve made. Cash is king in the mobile home moving business.

Q:  How long does it take to move a mobile home?
A:  Great question, most singlewide mobile homes can be moved within 24 hours as long as the path is clear. Most doublewide mobile homes can be moved in 24-48 hours depending on road access and the number of trucks a mobile home mover has at his disposal at the time.

Fill out the Mobile Home Moving Service Request From below to get a quote to move your mobile home.

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